All you will ever need to know about Mariachi!

About the Book


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If you are a Librarian at an educational institution (elementary school, middle school, high school, community college, or university/four-year college), you have arrived at the section of the Mariachi for Gringos website created expressly for you.

If, on the other hand, you are a Librarian at a public library (city, county, state, federal, non-profit, etc.), you have also arrived at the right location.

If you are in the first category, the primary question you need answered do I acquire Mariachi for Gringos for my school's library?

If you are in the second category, the primary question you need answered is actually the same...but you will pursue a different path to receive the appropriate answer.

As the school-based Librarian, your first move would be to get approval from your District's Media Office to put Mariachi for Gringos into your permanent collection. In the Chula Vista Elementary School District, for instance, librarians from several schools that are part of Californa's largest K-6 district decided to pursue just such a course of action. After the initial school-based request, the author made a presentation to the key people at District Headquarters and the approval was granted.

If, after reviewing the About the Book section of this site, you would like to pursue this course of action, please click on 'Contact Us' and we will proceed. If you have other librarian colleagues who you think might also be interested in Mariachi for Gringos, you can click on 'Recommend This Site To A Friend.' You might also like to pursue the click on that enables you to 'Schedule A Book Signing.' Ultimately, click on 'Buy Now' once you have gotten the permission to proceed.

As a public sector Librarian, your direct contact for all your reference needs in the Latin-American sector (including Mariachi for Gringos) will be SeƱor Edgardo Moctezuma at Latin-American Book Source. This prestigious firm's website address is

When you log on there, you will find all the information you need to know (in addition to the information available on this site under About The Book). The review of Mariachi for Gringos,quite simply and eloquently, speaks for itself.

Thanks for all your support of this "bridge between two cultures." Thanks, also, to Julie Korn of Tiffany Elementary for allowing me to use her kind and perceptive quote.

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